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6 Effective Tips to Stop Bad Breath

January 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 2:31 am

Woman with bad breath covering her mouthEveryone experiences bad breath occasionally. Onions on your hamburger at lunch or your favorite garlicky pasta dish can come back to haunt your smile. However, unpleasant odors can be an ongoing problem for some people. More than 80 million Americans suffer from chronic bad breath, called halitosis. If you’re embarrassed by your breath, here are 6 tips to help combat the odors.

1. Improve Brushing and Flossing Habits

An overgrowth of bacteria can lead to foul odors and increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. It’s best to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice daily, if not after every meal. Floss every day to remove food residue and plaque your toothbrush couldn’t reach.

2. Visit Your Dentist Regularly 

Bad breath can be the result of an untreated dental problem, like tooth decay, gum disease, or an infection. Your dentist will examine your mouth to ensure there aren’t any untreated issues that could be contributing to the odor. They can also create a personalized treatment plan to keep your breath minty fresh, like a mouthwash. 

3. Stay Hydrated

A dry mouth is a hotspot for oral bacteria growth. It’s important to drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated. This will ensure your mouth is moist to neutralize bacteria growth. Every sip will also cleanse your mouth. If a dry mouth is the result of a medical condition or medication, your dentist may recommend a specialty mouthwash. 

4. Don’t Smoke

Tobacco is notorious for causing bad breath. However, it also increases your risk of tooth discoloration, cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and many other issues. It’s best to kick the habit to keep your mouth and body healthy.

5. Treat Post-Nasal Drip

Post-nasal drip from allergies or illness can cause halitosis. Bacteria can hide in the secretions. Treat post-nasal drip and congestion to make it easier to breathe and prevent bad breath.

6. Add a Daily Mouthwash

An antimicrobial mouthwash can kill any bacteria missed when brushing and flossing. You’ll invest in healthy teeth and gums while never being worried about embarrassing odors.

Halitosis isn’t anything to ignore. Your dentist will get to the source of the problem to treat the issue. You won’t think twice about your breath when chatting with a friend or laughing.

About Dr. Patrick Crowley

Dr. Crowley earned his dental degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry and has continued his training regularly in many specialties, like cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and general dentistry. He is committed to providing the best dental solutions to create healthy, confident smiles. Dr. Crowley is an active member of many professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. Book an appointment through his website or call his office at (405) 510-0528.

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