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Edmond, OK 73013

Gum Disease Therapy Can Improve Your Smile and Help You Live Longer!

January 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 8:13 pm
Illustration of the stages of gum disease

Did you know that an estimated 65 million Americans have gum disease? It can be easy to think, “What’s the big deal? As long as I don’t have cavities, my smile is healthy.” However, there’s a lot more to a healthy smile than teeth alone! Not only that, but studies have shown a strong link between your gums and your overall health, which makes it even more important to make sure gum disease is diagnosed and treated. In this blog, you’ll learn more about this common condition and what causes it as well as how gum disease therapy can help!


Sleep Apnea? Your Dentist Can Help

January 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — bluffcreekteam @ 7:46 pm
A man waking up tired.

Do you drag yourself through the day barely able to stay awake? The problem may stem from sleep apnea. Your dentist can help by performing an oral exam, recommending a sleep study, or prescribing solutions such as a CPAP mask or prescription mouth guard. There’s no reason to suffer in silence when help is available.
